I found it interesting that someone came across my blog by typing “I woke up feeling sad, what does this mean” in their search. Whoever it was that typed this and came across my blog, first I would like to thank you for reading my blog and I hope that today’s post can shine a light to what it is that you are searching.
I do believe that there are reasons for our emotions. Whether we understand that emotion or not, that is a different story and a different topic that I can discuss another time. The reason why I find it so essential for me to write today’s post is because perhaps many feel things that they may not understand and are trying to understand the “why”.
When feeling down, it is important to understand why you feel down and it is even more important for you to know that it all comes down to your choices. You make the choice everyday as to how you are going to feel about things, how you are going to let things affect you and you are the one who chooses whether or not you are going to live a happy life. You do have control over your life in many ways whether you realize this or not.
When you feel sad, you should ask yourself why is that and make the decision to be happy. Make that decision that you will have that life that you always wanted. Make that decision to have a healthy life. Make that decision to surround yourself by loving and supportive people. Make that decision to be the best you that you can be. Know that your emotions are a part of you but they don’t have to rule you. I would like to clarify that I am not saying to ignore your emotions or that you just force yourself to feel happy when feeling sad, no, not at all. I would like to say that if you constantly feel sad for no reason for more than two weeks, I recommend you seek professional help. There is nothing wrong with seeking professional help when you need it. But know that you do have control over your life.
When a situation or a person “makes” you feel a certain way, know that the choice is yours as to how you are going to allow that person or situation to make you feel. The one in control of your emotions is YOU. No one and nothing else.
If there is a situation that just doesn’t make you happy, the choice is yours as to whether or not you will continue in that same situation. You have two choices- you either change the situation or you change your perspective of the situation. Staying miserable in the same situation shouldn’t be a choice and once again, the choice is always yours.
Everything from what we eat, the friends we have, the person we marry, the way we live, the way we think and everything in between are choices that we all make on a daily basis that impact our life even if it’s in small ways. You always have to remember no matter what, it all comes down to your choices.
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