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Know Your Limits and Respect Them

Writer's picture: Aura E. MartinezAura E. Martinez

Last week and this week, so far, have been challenging weeks between flying a lot and finalizing my manuscript which I must say, I have high respect for editors because editing your own work even after your work has been edited is not easy. It can be challenging juggling many things at once. It is great to have many goals and if I were to list the ones I have at this moment, you would agree that they are a lot. The exhaustion I felt, my eyeballs hurting from all the reading as well as feeling stressed leads me to writing this post- it is important to know your limits and respect them.

No matter how many goals you may have, know that even though the sky indeed is the limit, because you are only human you have certain limits and it is important to respect them. It’s possible to achieve so much, it’s possible to get many things done but not all at once.

Remember that the more you want and do, the more you need to pause, relax, and have breaks. This is not about being lazy, not at all. This is about you not burning out. If you allow stress to get to you, in the end you will be no good. It is important to remember that no matter how many things you want to accomplish, you can only do what you can do and you still need to be proud of yourself for that.

We all have certain limits and this is because we are only humans, not machines. Even machines if they are pushed to the limit they break down. We all have certain limits because of time since we only have 24 hours in a day. We all have certain limits because of our body in the sense that you never want to push your body too far. The best way to not get burned out, not get yourself sick and not be overwhelmed is by knowing your limits and respecting them.

Your body will tell you when you are reaching your limit. If you feel terribly exhausted or even sick, you know you have reached your limit. If you are starting to feel angry and irritable, you are reaching your limit. If you are no longer enjoying what you are doing, you are reaching your limit. You will receive feedback when you are reaching your limit.

You respect your limits by mentally reminding yourself that you are doing the best you can. By still giving yourself a pat on the back for what you have accomplished during the day. You do this by taking breaks when needed and not being so hard on yourself when you didn’t accomplish a certain thing you wanted to accomplish that day. You respect your body when it is tired and give your body all it needs in order to keep itself strong. Remember that your body is your primary vehicle and if that isn’t working, nothing will work. Rome was not built in one day and so whatever it is that you are wanting to do will take time. You will always be a work in progress.

So far I respected my limits by sleeping as much as I needed since my sleep was a bit compromised. Since I enjoy cooking, I made myself some delicious meals. I remind myself that I am doing the best that I can even if I am unable to keep up with some of the things that I had in mind to do, like blog last week. I had to remind myself that I am only human and as such, I am not perfect and that’s ok. It’s ok not to be perfect and not doing things exactly as I said to myself that I would. This is the same that I encourage you to do.

Knowing your limits and respecting them is a must for your well-being. If you try to be superman or superwoman, you will find yourself all burned out real quick. It’s best to be like the tortoise and be slow but steady. That’s how you get further in life. This doesn’t mean laziness, let me clarify, this just means that you don’t burn yourself out trying to do so much all at once.

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