Blindfolds are only good for sleeping, they are not good to be wearing as you are going about your day. You need clarity in life, you need transparency, you need to know where you are going- something that a blindfold prevents you from having.
The blindfold that I am referring is clearly not the actual blindfold that some may wear at night. The blindfold that I am referring to is the invisible one that we sometimes decide to wear. Yes, I dare to write that “we sometimes decide to wear” because at any moment, we can decide to see things for what they are.
First, I want to start of by discussing why one may decide to wear a blindfold. There may be several reasons but I believe the most basic and biggest one and I would dare say THE reason is the needs that one may have. Yes, needs can be a bitch. The need to feel loved, the need to feel accepted and the need to belong, those basic human needs can make us a slave willing to wear a blindfold. Needs when not met can make us very hungry and it is that hunger that drives us to wear that blindfold.
Blindfolds are horrible for everyday life because they don’t allow you to see where you are going. You make yourself vulnerable to tripping and falling which can lead you to hurting yourself so badly. Not knowing where you are going can make you feel vulnerable and not in a good way. Not knowing where you are going can lead you to make unwise decisions. Not knowing where you are going makes you allow anything that come your way and I can tell you from personal experience that not everything that comes your way may be for good. This is why it is important to know where you are going.
Blindfolds prevent you from seeing what is in front of you. Many times people hint us as to who they really are and what their intentions are but we decide to ignore them because we feel the need to belong or feel loved or be accepted. Because not everything that comes your way may be good, it is important to already know that you are love and are loved so that you can come from a place of clearly seeing who the person that is in front of you is and what their intentions are towards you. You don’t want to ignore red flags.
The best way to prevent wearing a blindfold is to understand what makes you wear one to begin with. It is only through understanding that you are able to know what triggers this. Remember that blindfolds are not good for you to wear when it comes to everyday life- they prevent you from seeing where you are going and what is in front of you.
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