The ending is the beginning of something bigger and better. The ending is the closure of something that no longer serves you. There are things that come into your life just to serve a purpose. This includes opportunities and people. Sometimes we have the tendency to extend the life of something that no longer has a life. What I mean with this is that sometimes there are things and people that we hold on to that we need to let go because its purpose was already served. There are people and opportunities that are meant to be for a lifetime but trust that you will know the difference.
And what is that difference? When it comes to people, even during turbulent moments, you still are able to endure. No relationship is perfect and in every relationship there will be differences. It is not the turbulent moments nor the differences that define the quality of the relationships nor how long it will last- it is how those turbulent moments and differences are handled that marks the difference.
When it comes to opportunities, you will feel and it will be evident that its expiration date is arriving soon. Somehow things don’t flow or go right, there is one problem after another or somehow that opportunity may seem small for what you want or are yet to be.
Being able to recognize these things are so crucial to your well-being because this will help you avoid unnecessary suffering. When you are able to recognize whether someone is a person for a lifetime (and with this I also include friendships, not just romantic relationships) and when you’re able to recognize whether an opportunity is a lifetime one, suddenly the ending won’t feel like a loss, rather it will feel like a gain because in essence it is a gain. It is a gain because you’re moving forward. It is a gain because you’re growing. It is a gain because those things are moving out of the way to make way for other things that do belong in your life.
It is important for your well-being to know and remember that not everything that comes into your life are meant to be a lifetime and that’s ok. Remembering and knowing this will help alleviate some unnecessary sadness and suffering that can hinder you from seeing and receiving the goodness that are yet to come.
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