Disappointments…..it’s just one of those things that we will get for as long as we live because they are a part of life. It sucks to be disappointed but they are a part of life and it is necessary to accept this. So if this is part of life, then what is the purpose of disappointments? That’s what I would like to discuss in today’s post.
There are different kinds of disappointments. Some disappointments will come from people, others from circumstances. Some will come from ourselves, believe it or not. There are many possible reasons as to what led to that disappointment such as expectations that one may have, needs that were not met, even miscommunication or no communication from the other person or even from yourself (unfortunately, miscommunication or no communication is a big one and it shouldn’t be this way).
It is important whenever you are disappointed to understand why you are disappointed and what led to that disappointment. This is going to shed some light as to what happened and what you can learn from it so that should something like this happen again, you will know how to respond. Life is wonderful in the sense that Life always gives us back the lessons that we must learn and it will test us to see if we actually learned our lesson or not.
Disappointments can feel like a sour experience. Depending on the degree of your expectations, or the feelings you have towards that person that disappointed you or depending on the circumstance is what will dictate how sour that experience will be for you. Emotions and your perception of what happened play a big role in how you experience things. By no means should you just brush the disappointment you feel under the rug as something insignificant. This is almost equivalent to you having a deep wound and covering it up with a Band-Aid hoping it will heal on its own. I always encourage to feel the pain, although it sucks, and take care of the pain.
I’ve said and wrote before that part of well-being is growth. In order to grow, changes are involved and where there is change, there is learning as well. Disappointments offer you an opportunity to grow in many ways that can make you a better person. It may suck that a friendship broke, a relationship is torn, an opportunity may seem lost, but I’m starting to realize certain things- those that are meant to stay in your life will stay, if a relationship means so much to you, both of you will work things out and opportunities are never lost.
Allow yourself to grow from that disappointment. Look at what you could have done differently, not just what that other person did wrong, but also look at what role you played in that situation. If an opportunity didn’t seem to be yours, that’s because there is something better that is yet to come. If you take everything that comes to you, you will not leave space for the thing that is truly for you. Disappointments have their purpose but it is up to you to let that purpose come forth.
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