Asking yourself this question is very important because from this answer you will determine if you are living life the way you are truly meant to be living and whether the choices you make are in alignment with the essence of who you truly are.
So what is your definition of living life? One thing to keep in mind is that everybody’s definition of living life is different. For some, living life may mean going out every weekend dancing and drinking, for others not so. What may be fun for you may not be fun for someone else and that’s ok. For instance, I feel like I’m living life when I’m writing because this is my way of connecting with all of you. I feel like I’m living life when I’m giving a speech in front of a crowd (this truly gives me a high) and when I’m seeing new places or even enjoying a nice, delicious bowl of chicken noodle soup. (Yes, I just said that last sentence, I love and enjoy good food). So there is no right or wrong answer to this question because we are all so unique and different. There is only a right or wrong answer according to your true essence, meaning if you are not living in a way that is true to who you really are.
In order for you to answer this question, ask yourself what do you truly like. What excites you? What makes you feel alive? What are the happiest times you can recall of your life? What does your soul want? Answering these questions will reveal a lot to you about who you are and what your definition of living life is. Knowing what your definition of living life is will help you determine what choices to make in life, what to invest your money, time and energy on and you will be on the fast track to happiness.
Knowing what your definition of living life is will contribute to actions that you will take that will lead to happiness which will eventually lead to your overall well-being. If you don’t know what truly makes you happy (hence, your definition of living life, not someone else’s meaning), there is no way to achieve that well-being that you so strive for, so consider asking yourself this question when wanting to learn more about yourself.