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Why Is It a Must to Shake Off Certain Emotions?

Writer's picture: Aura E. MartinezAura E. Martinez

I am one who says and writes over and over again that emotions are to be respected, tend to and understood because emotions are nothing else other than feedback from our soul/true essence. However, there are certain emotions that you can only have in small dosages because these emotions create havoc on your overall well-being and in today’s post, I would like to explain why it is a must to shake off certain emotions.

I totally understand, and trust me when I write that I totally understand, that there are certain circumstances in life where it seems unavoidable to not feel depressed, worried, angry and so on. There are certain circumstances in life that just don’t seem fair, are very sad and can just drag us down to a point that feels that there is no way out. HOWEVER, and let me repeat, however (and yes, I did capitalize the conjunctive adverb “however” because it is that important that it needs emphasis) it is a MUST to shake off these emotions because they, when it prolongs for too long, are detrimental to your overall life and well-being. Any emotions that when prolonged are detrimental to your well-being are depression/sadness, anger, worry, grief and sorrow.

Not shaking off these emotions are detrimental to your mind. They take over your thoughts and your thoughts affect your emotions and actions. Your thoughts program your mind which is the central part of how you perceive and feel things that occur. This also affects the decisions that you make thus affecting your actions.

Not shaking off these emotions affect you physically to the point that if you’re not careful, you can become physically sick. The mind, body and soul are all connected. They are not separate. Think about this, when you are sad or grieving, do you feel like choosing healthy foods? I bet not. Most likely you will go for comfort foods which most likely means unhealthy meals. The way you feel when you put food in your body matters. I have noticed that when you eat just to “survive”, your body doesn’t receive the food it’s getting the same way. You may notice that you feel nauseas, food doesn’t sit well in the stomach, etc. Instead, when you enjoy your food and enjoy what you are putting in your body, your body feels joy, you feel good. Stress and depression creates physical havoc in the body to the point that you can actually get an illness over time.

Not shaking off these emotions affects your physical environment. What I mean with your physical environment is your home, your relationships with others, etc. There is no way you will feel like having your home looking nice when you feel down. There is no way you will be able to transmit good energy and have much to give to others when you are down. There is just no way! Our physical environment reflects how we feel inside ourselves so if your physical world is a mess, guess what, it’s time to look at your inner world. If your physical environment is not a good environment, that just creates a cycle that seems like never ending. A depressing environment only creates a more depressing state of mind. You can’t afford to be in this state! It’s too expensive in so many ways!

I by no means am contradicting the fact that I encourage to embrace and understand your emotions. Not at all. What I am implying with today’s post is that if you stay too long with certain emotions that in large dosages are too harmful for you, you need to shake those emotions off. You must if you want great well-being. For those who are reading this and find themselves in a situation that feels awful and sad, please know that nothing is forever and that for your well-being as well as the well-being of others, it is a MUST to shake off those emotions! Please do, you are worth so much and no matter where you are in life, you matter not just for yourself but for others as well.

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